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Honors Program Courses

Year 1 – Discover

Year 1 allows students the opportunity to discover their passion. Students will participate in a variety of team sessions to help them better understand themselves and the world around them. All first-year honors students are required to take FYS-101 and ENG-120 as honors specific courses. Outside of class, students will continue class discussions through a series of discovery workshops. At the end of year 1, students will participate in Freshman Illumination, designed to provide students an opportunity to share their passion with others.

Year 2 – Develop

In Year 2, students will take their passion and begin developing a concept that connects to both their major, and the change they’d like to see in the world. Students will take an honors module, as well as HON-201 and HON-202, two interdisciplinary courses that connect classical literature to current issues. At the end of year two, students will have a working honor thesis concept.

Year 3 – Expand

Year 3 students will expand their honors thesis concept and begin focusing more intently on their research by continuing with their honors modules. Students will also identify and select the faculty mentor they’d like to work with. At the end of year 3, students will present their honors thesis proposal to members of the Honors Advisory Board for final approval. Once approved students can then register for HON-401.

Year 4 – Execute and Evaluate

During year 4, students will work on completing and presenting their honors thesis in HON-401. In addition, master classes will be offered as an opportunity for students to share their research with the community. Master classes include anything from small group discussions to formal presentations. Students that excel in their research may be nominated for the Distinguished Honors Scholar Award, presented each year at the Honors Banquet to the graduating student who excelled in their research and overall academics.

Required Program Courses 

  • FYS-101 Honors First Year Seminar
  • ENG-120 Honors English Composition I
  • HON-201 Interdisciplinary Studies I
  • HON-202 Interdisciplinary Studies II
  • HON-401 Honors Independent Thesis

Additional Honors Courses

  • ENG-200 Honors English Composition II
  • HON-301 Honors Seminar (Variable Content)
  • HON-314 Research Methods Workshop

Note: HON 301 can be repeated when the content changes.

Honors Modules

In collaboration with the honors director, each honors student will develop their own individualized honors modules. Modules should be courses from the student’s major that connect to their honors thesis. These allow the student to begin work and research toward their honors thesis or project.